Tuesday 28 June 2011

Martin Smith answers our 'Ten Questions'...

1) Where are you right now? In Atlanta writing with Chris Tomlin.
2) What's in your pocket? $20 and 2 plectrums (Worship Central plectrums of course!)
3) Latest set list? I Have Found (Jesus Culture), Did you feel the Mountains Tremble (played it for the first time in years), This Is Our God (Hillsong), Song Of Solomon (a new song I'm writing).
4) Last album you purchased? Biffy Clyro - Revolutions.
5) Best piece of advice you ever received? Always check your flies before you go on stage.
6) How do you stay sharp? I exercise regularly now I'm off the road a bit, I try to read the bible cover to cover every year, I also find that a sharp haircut can keep you sharp too.
7) What do you do 5 minutes before you lead worship? Ask God to help. Ask him to be with his people, check I have a new battery in my in ears pack. And of course check that my flies are done up. Sorry to harp on about this but one night in front of 3000 people I forgot to check and it wasn't an easy recovery.
8) Biggest worship horror moment? My flies being undone for the first 5 songs.
9) How would you define worship? Saying Thankyou to our maker.
10) One encouragement to worship leaders? Be yourself, love God, let out a new sound, remember that we are singing with the angels.

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