Tuesday 28 June 2011

Chris Tomlin - I Lift My Hands

This is CT's song that we have recently introduced to the church on a Sunday. It is a really versatile song that can be used in a number of different worship situations. We need to aim to get a more consistent arrangement across the two bands, same drum pattern and dynamic as we see here - I think this enhances the power of the song. Let's try to follow the song up over the next few weeks.

Other songs that we need to be following up that have been introduced over the last few months are:

Our God Is Stronger
The Riches of Your Grace
How He Loves Us
You Alone (He Shall Be)
Psalm 40

Please can we all try to ensure that we are including at least one of these songs on our song lists over the next few weeks so that we can really get them established in the hearts and minds of the church.



1 comment:

  1. Love this song, well done Nick for introducing it!
