Friday 17 June 2011

Hi everyone,

Here are the songs for Sunday 19th June... we're gonna be looking upward and outward in the worship time. As I've been praying about the morning I believe God is going to take all the great teaching San and Paul have been doing over the past few months - the stuff about the Holy Spirit and the visionary sermons and just ignite it again. It's like all the wood/fuel is there and God would want to just breathe on it so that it doesn't just become information in our heads but a fire in our hearts. So the songs are:-

You lifted me (You are the God of rescue)
Yours is the kingdom
Holy God generations know
Everyone needs compassion (Saviour He can move the mountains)
We have sung our songs of victory (How long?)
God of this city
chorus of Days of heaven (Lord send the rain) or chorus of There must be more (Consuming fire)

I think we can be quite open again after the kids go out for prophetic words etc and allow God to move.

See you all on Saturday,


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