Thursday 30 June 2011

Practical Tips on Songlists for Worship in Meetings

I have been thinking about how I would try to explain to someone in the church how we go about choosing our songs for a time of congregational worship - we know this and probably take these points almost for granted. However, I thought that it might be a useful reminder to 'state the obvious' and so here are 4 main practical things that came to mind.
Tell me what you think about these points - anything you would add to or take away?
1. Song Lyrics need to line up with scripture:
We can't assume that just because we trust the writer or the publisher that the song is true. We are all prone to error or miscommunication. Also, words sometimes mean different things to different people. As the worship leader, we must make sure that what we are asking the church to sing is clear and in-line with the Gospel.
2. Musical styles need to be culturally and periodically relevant:
Songs can be true lyrically, but out of date or context culturally. If we are asked to lead worship in an older congregation that loves hymns, we should be incorporating hymns. If it's leading a youth service, choose songs that are a bit more edgy. I also think we need to ensure that the majority of songs we use were written in the last few years. There's nothing wrong with pulling out an old favorite, but there is something important about using songs that are fresh to the church.
3. Songs need to be musically accessible:
We are blessed with a great team of musicians, and I think it is important that we learn to be better at 'playing to our strengths' in terms of song-choice. For example, if a song that has a brilliant percussion 'interlude' on the CD won't sound the same if our band line-up does not have percussion. This can be fine, so long as we are able to create an different arrangement that still keeps the sense of integrity about what the song is trying to say through the music (just as important as what the words are saying!) We also need to ensure that songs we use are within the sing-ability of the congregation.
4. Remember the potential of 'performance' songs and instrumental music:
There is a place for those songs that are not congregational, but that have a strong message for the church. Whether it's during the main part of the worship, as we break bread, before or after preach, there are some fantastic powerful songs that will minister to the congregation in ways corporate singing cannot. Let's not limit when we use these to our more 'special' meetings, such as Saviour King or Third Day, but be open to using them whenever we feel it will say something powerful.
I am so pleased that our worship leaders are really gifted musically and take their preparation of song lists very seriously and prayerfully. We have been experiencing some incredible times of worship, and I often feel that our song choices have a real sense of anointing running through them - so, let's keep on pushing in and stepping out with our times of worship.
God bless,

Worship for Sunday 3rd July

Hi everyone,

This weekend we have baptisms and therefore a tighter meeting in terms of time. We will be aiming to worship from 10:00-10:30am and then play at the end of the meeting during the baptisms.

Band line-up is:-

Acoustic/lead vocal - Nick
Drums - Dan
Bass - Graham
Lead guitar - Paul
Keyboards - Kevin
BV's - Bekki, Claire, Graham

Songs are from the following:

My Redeemer lives (E)
You are so good to me (E)
You lifted me out of the slimy pit (E)
You came to save the world (F)
Jesus You're the hope I cling to (C)
Jesus lover of my soul (D)
I stand amazed (C)
The greatest day in history (C)

See you all at 6pm on Saturday... lets see if we can all be set up and sound-checked by 6:30pm so we can have maximum time to pray and rehearse.

Remember... God is singing His songs of affection over each one of us right now!... see Zeph 3:17.

God bless,


Tuesday 28 June 2011

Chris Tomlin - I Lift My Hands

This is CT's song that we have recently introduced to the church on a Sunday. It is a really versatile song that can be used in a number of different worship situations. We need to aim to get a more consistent arrangement across the two bands, same drum pattern and dynamic as we see here - I think this enhances the power of the song. Let's try to follow the song up over the next few weeks.

Other songs that we need to be following up that have been introduced over the last few months are:

Our God Is Stronger
The Riches of Your Grace
How He Loves Us
You Alone (He Shall Be)
Psalm 40

Please can we all try to ensure that we are including at least one of these songs on our song lists over the next few weeks so that we can really get them established in the hearts and minds of the church.



Martin Smith answers our 'Ten Questions'...

1) Where are you right now? In Atlanta writing with Chris Tomlin.
2) What's in your pocket? $20 and 2 plectrums (Worship Central plectrums of course!)
3) Latest set list? I Have Found (Jesus Culture), Did you feel the Mountains Tremble (played it for the first time in years), This Is Our God (Hillsong), Song Of Solomon (a new song I'm writing).
4) Last album you purchased? Biffy Clyro - Revolutions.
5) Best piece of advice you ever received? Always check your flies before you go on stage.
6) How do you stay sharp? I exercise regularly now I'm off the road a bit, I try to read the bible cover to cover every year, I also find that a sharp haircut can keep you sharp too.
7) What do you do 5 minutes before you lead worship? Ask God to help. Ask him to be with his people, check I have a new battery in my in ears pack. And of course check that my flies are done up. Sorry to harp on about this but one night in front of 3000 people I forgot to check and it wasn't an easy recovery.
8) Biggest worship horror moment? My flies being undone for the first 5 songs.
9) How would you define worship? Saying Thankyou to our maker.
10) One encouragement to worship leaders? Be yourself, love God, let out a new sound, remember that we are singing with the angels.

Friday 17 June 2011

Hi everyone,

Here are the songs for Sunday 19th June... we're gonna be looking upward and outward in the worship time. As I've been praying about the morning I believe God is going to take all the great teaching San and Paul have been doing over the past few months - the stuff about the Holy Spirit and the visionary sermons and just ignite it again. It's like all the wood/fuel is there and God would want to just breathe on it so that it doesn't just become information in our heads but a fire in our hearts. So the songs are:-

You lifted me (You are the God of rescue)
Yours is the kingdom
Holy God generations know
Everyone needs compassion (Saviour He can move the mountains)
We have sung our songs of victory (How long?)
God of this city
chorus of Days of heaven (Lord send the rain) or chorus of There must be more (Consuming fire)

I think we can be quite open again after the kids go out for prophetic words etc and allow God to move.

See you all on Saturday,


Thursday 9 June 2011

This Weekend!

Hi Guys, possible song list for this w/e with Andrew Wilson is:

Let God arise (E)
From the highest of heights (E)

This is how we know (Bb) 
Let Faith Arise (I lift my hands) Bb

I Stand Amazed in the presence (E)
How deep the Fathers love for us (E)
Lift up His name (E)

Just to make you aware that I have adjusted Blog to work better for mobile devices, feel free to check it out.

See you on the weekend. G bless.


Tuesday 7 June 2011

Hey guys,

This is the Chris Tomlin song 'I Lift My Hands' that Nick introduced on Sunday last week - great song, which I want us to nail down in our mix

I Lift My Hands


Thursday 2 June 2011

Hi everyone,

Talking to Santino this week, we really want to have an open time of worship and are expectant for God to break in. The word "Compassion" has been impressed upon me with great force and I just believe that Jesus wants to express His compassion on His people this weekend, so be open, expectant and ready to give and receive!

Songs for Sunday 5th June are:-

Praise awaits (A)
The riches of Your grace (C)
The greatest day (Oh happy day) (C)
Lord I come to You (Ab)
I will bless the Lord forever (Bb)
Water You turned into wine (G)
We have sung our songs of victory (C to D)

See you all on Saturday,
