Monday 31 January 2011

Hi everyone,

Songs for Sunday 6th Feb are as follows:

Praise Him you heavens (D)
Wonderful so wonderful (D)
Who alone can save themselves (You alone can rescue) (A)
I behold Your power and glory (A)
Here I am (Majesty) (A)
Into Your hands (Jesus I believe in You) (D)

We will be focussing on the majesty of God and also on the intimacy of knowing Him. There's a quote from Jonathan Edwards that is great for stirring our hearts and minds about Jesus and describes the diverse qualities of His character:

"In Jesus Christ meet infinite highness and infinite condescension; infinite justice and infinite grace; infinite glory and lowest humility; infinite majesty and transcendent meekness; deepest reverence toward God and equality with God; worthiness of good and the greatest patience under the suffering of evil; a great spirit of obedience and supreme dominion over heaven and earth; absolute sovereignty and perfect resignation; self-sufficiency and an entire trust and reliance on God."

I want us to encounter the person Jesus Christ in a fresh way this weekend - so be praying and preparing your heart for this.

Rehearsal will be on Saturday 5th Feb - please be ready to sound check at 6pm.



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