Thursday 6 January 2011

Hi everyone,

I hope by now you've all picked up the changes to the rota which starts this week. So I am now leading the band instead of Simon Thurston.

Here are the songs:

Praises to the Holy One (A)

Over all the earth (Lord reign in me) (C)
The Riches of Your Grace (C) - this is a new song which we'll teach

O how strong the power of Jesus' name (E)
Grace takes my sin (E) - this is the chorus of the newer version of 'Here is love'
Far above all other loves (A)
Christ in me (A) - chorus of 'Jesus You're the hope I cling to'

Practice is 6pm-8pm on Saturday. Can we please be ready to sound check at 6pm? I really want to make the most of the time we have together - especially as the changes to the rota have been so late this week. so no faffing aloud! :-)

Thanks and see you all on Saturday,

God bless,


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