Thursday 27 January 2011

Hey guys,

Here is the provisional song list for this coming Sunday.

Please can you take a careful look at the songs and come fully prepared with your music, etc ready for Saturday evening. I really, really want us to tighten up our Saturday evening practices in terms of being organised with everything we need before we meet to sound check at 6.30pm. This will free up time for song arrangements/intros/turnarounds, etc. Most importantly, it should allow us time to seek God about the morning as a team - especially in terms of being open to the prophetic.

I'm looking for quite a 'celebratory' front end to the worship on Sunday - then we will see what happens...
  • How great Thou Art - A
  • Greatest Day in History - C
  • Praise Him in The Sanctuary - C
- Children go out -
  • See His Love - Bm
  • Our God He Reigns - Bm
  • Who is There Like You - F
  • I Stand Amazed in The Presence - F
Band Line Up:
Drums - Dan
Bass - Graham
Keys - Kevin
Electric - Nic
Acoustic - Canar
BV - Claire
BV - Katie
Lead Vox - Simon

PA - Simon C
AV - Jan

Musicians and singers - please make sure that you are set up and ready to sound check by 6.30pm.

See you there,


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