Monday 31 January 2011

Hi everyone,

Songs for Sunday 6th Feb are as follows:

Praise Him you heavens (D)
Wonderful so wonderful (D)
Who alone can save themselves (You alone can rescue) (A)
I behold Your power and glory (A)
Here I am (Majesty) (A)
Into Your hands (Jesus I believe in You) (D)

We will be focussing on the majesty of God and also on the intimacy of knowing Him. There's a quote from Jonathan Edwards that is great for stirring our hearts and minds about Jesus and describes the diverse qualities of His character:

"In Jesus Christ meet infinite highness and infinite condescension; infinite justice and infinite grace; infinite glory and lowest humility; infinite majesty and transcendent meekness; deepest reverence toward God and equality with God; worthiness of good and the greatest patience under the suffering of evil; a great spirit of obedience and supreme dominion over heaven and earth; absolute sovereignty and perfect resignation; self-sufficiency and an entire trust and reliance on God."

I want us to encounter the person Jesus Christ in a fresh way this weekend - so be praying and preparing your heart for this.

Rehearsal will be on Saturday 5th Feb - please be ready to sound check at 6pm.



Thursday 27 January 2011

Hey guys,

Here is the provisional song list for this coming Sunday.

Please can you take a careful look at the songs and come fully prepared with your music, etc ready for Saturday evening. I really, really want us to tighten up our Saturday evening practices in terms of being organised with everything we need before we meet to sound check at 6.30pm. This will free up time for song arrangements/intros/turnarounds, etc. Most importantly, it should allow us time to seek God about the morning as a team - especially in terms of being open to the prophetic.

I'm looking for quite a 'celebratory' front end to the worship on Sunday - then we will see what happens...
  • How great Thou Art - A
  • Greatest Day in History - C
  • Praise Him in The Sanctuary - C
- Children go out -
  • See His Love - Bm
  • Our God He Reigns - Bm
  • Who is There Like You - F
  • I Stand Amazed in The Presence - F
Band Line Up:
Drums - Dan
Bass - Graham
Keys - Kevin
Electric - Nic
Acoustic - Canar
BV - Claire
BV - Katie
Lead Vox - Simon

PA - Simon C
AV - Jan

Musicians and singers - please make sure that you are set up and ready to sound check by 6.30pm.

See you there,


Wednesday 26 January 2011

Strike the Drum!

Hey everyone, I came across this short piece that I wrote a few years ago about the role of the drummer in worship, and I though it might make interesting reading. Of course, much of what I say here applies to all musicians and how any of us use our instruments to glorify God.

Have a read and tell me what you think...

God’s Rhythmic Presence

The whole world is full of rhythm – it’s whole motion and cycle is rhythmic. Wherever there is life, there is rhythm! Our first introduction to God, (Gen 1:2), shows His rhythmic presence ‘hovering over the waters’.

Our Rhythmic Presence

As beings created by God, we have our own rhythmic presence – from the moment that we are born. In the same way that God breathed life into Adam, (Gen 2:7), He has also breathed physical life into us – through our heartbeat.

God’s Heart/Our Hearts

When we are stirred emotionally or physically, our heartbeat races – the character of its rhythm varies, like a drum beat, and reflects something of our feelings. God’s heart is the same, reflecting His feelings.

Our Drumming

God does not want ‘good worship’, but seeks ‘good worshippers’ (ie: with a heart after His). As drummers involved in leading worship, we must try to listen to God’s heart and use the gifting that He has given us to express and interpret the feeling of His ‘heartbeat’.

Playing With Passion

From the very outset of creation, God shows emotion, (Gen 1:31) and if we are to ‘express the feelings of His heartbeat’, we need to play our drums passionately. This does not mean loudly all the time!! We need to train our playing so that it reflects the passion or emotion we see in God on each occasion – and this will change through the worship, even through a single song. These are a few examples of the different ways that God has commanded drummers to play:

q Psalm 81:12 – ‘strike the drum’

q Isaiah 30:32 – ‘battle to the beat of drums’ (and this is without any

q 1 Samuel 18:16 – ‘joyful songs with drums’ mention of His commands

q Exodus 15:20 – ‘drumming with praise’ about playing cymbals!)

q Psalm 150:4 – ‘praise with drums’

q 1 Samuel 10:5-6 – ‘drums for prophecy’

q 1 Samuel 16:23 – ‘to expel evil spirits’

The variety of rhythms, patterns and ‘dynamic’ that we have available to use is clearly down to us practicing and developing our gift – our technical ability.

Knowing when to make use of a particular sound, use a certain rhythm, or play with a certain ‘feel’ is up to us developing our ability to hear God’s heartbeat.


The Role of the Drummer

Throughout history, biblical and secular, drummers have been used to stir people, gain attention, unite communities, drive away fear, put fear into the enemy, and lead troops into battle. In this final role, the drummer plays on the very front line of battle, while others fight with weapons. The drummer keeps playing to rally the troops as they begin to flag.

Whatever the drummers’ role, the drumming always has and will cause a reaction form those around.

Drumming as a Language

Drumming – our musical expression can be seen as a language. It is a language of emotion, of the heart, and as with any language it requires dialogue between people to operate. We need to hear so that we can respond and speak. There are many examples of God encouraging us to enter in to this dialogue, both with Him and also with others. If we follow His instructions about this, it will help us to develop a right motivation and express ourselves through our drumming, for His glory. For example:

  • My musical expression … is a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God – it is a spiritual act of worship. It no longer conforms to the pattern of this world.’ (Rom 12:1 – 2)
  • ‘My musical expression … does not boast. It is not rude, is not self-seeking.’ (1 Cor 13:4)
  • ‘Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord.’

(Eph 5:19)

  • ‘Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.’

(Col 3:16)

The Privilege of Drumming

God has given each one of us a tremendous gift – the ability to develop what is the most fundamental and natural human response, to perhaps a more complex and sophisticated level. Every person created has that ‘rhythmic presence’ within them. It is one of the most basic human responses, yet it is one of the most direct ways that God chooses to speak to us.

God has called us, as drummers, to listen and respond to His ‘heartbeat’, because He knows that as we express this through our playing, it will cause others to respond. During our worship meetings, we are often in a position where our drumming can be used by God to ‘set the tone’ of His dialogue with His people. What a privilege!


Thursday 13 January 2011

This Weekend - 16th Jan

Hey Guys,

Here is a finalised (if there can ever be such a thing!!) song list for the w/e:
  • Lift Up His Name (Holy, Holy) - E
  • Let God Arise - E
  • In Jesus - E
  • Wake Every Heart - G
  • I'm Not Backing Down - G
(children out and introducing new community groups)
  • Jesus, You're the Hope I Cling To (Christ in Me) - F
  • I Stand Amazed in The Presence - F
  • God He Reigns - G
(Matt preaching)
  • Such Grace, Such Love - D
Bit too long a list probably, but we'll see where the Holy Spirit takes us....


Wednesday 12 January 2011

Songs for This weekend - 16th Jan

Hey Guys, I haven't got a definitive list of songs for the w/e yet - there are some arrangements for the morning that have yet to be finalised, but some of the songs that I am thinking about using are:
  • Lift Up His Name (Holy, Holy) - E
  • Let God Arise - E
  • In Jesus - E
  • Wake Every Heart- G
  • I'm Not Backing Down - G
  • Such Grace, Such Love - D?- is this the key you guys played it in the other week?
  • God He Reigns - G
This might change once I know more details about the overall shape of the morning, but it would be good if you could prepare with these in mind anyway.

See you all on Saturday - really looking forward to being with the band for the next few months.


Thursday 6 January 2011

Hi everyone,

I hope by now you've all picked up the changes to the rota which starts this week. So I am now leading the band instead of Simon Thurston.

Here are the songs:

Praises to the Holy One (A)

Over all the earth (Lord reign in me) (C)
The Riches of Your Grace (C) - this is a new song which we'll teach

O how strong the power of Jesus' name (E)
Grace takes my sin (E) - this is the chorus of the newer version of 'Here is love'
Far above all other loves (A)
Christ in me (A) - chorus of 'Jesus You're the hope I cling to'

Practice is 6pm-8pm on Saturday. Can we please be ready to sound check at 6pm? I really want to make the most of the time we have together - especially as the changes to the rota have been so late this week. so no faffing aloud! :-)

Thanks and see you all on Saturday,

God bless,


Saturday 1 January 2011

Songlist for today/tomorrow

Hi guys, song list is:

Our God he reigns (C)

To God be the Glory (C)

Praise Him you heavens (C- D)

Children out

Such Grace (D)

How he love us refrain (D)

Father me (D)

I have heard so many songs (D)

Who is there like You (D)

After Preach

Father we love you (C)

See you at 6.

G bless,
