Monday 12 November 2012

TIme to Wake Up!

I don't know about you, but I'm more excited about what God is doing with us at church at the moment, than ever before! We seem to be going through a period of tremendous blessing, transformation, adventure and encounter at present - all of which is really exciting. However, as we enjoy this season of God's favour, I'm also finding that this is a time of real challenge too.

I know how easy I find myself 'getting comfortable' at church.  I know how I can settle into predictability and routine - sitting in the same place, talking to the same people and so on. These things in themselves are not really a big deal, but the problem is that, if I'm not careful, I can also allow my expectations of God to become predictable as well - my faith can be limited by my limiting expectations. You see, it makes things nice and easy, keeps them nice and comfortable -  in fact, causes a mindset that leads to apathy and unbelief!

I have felt God challenge me about this recently through a song. It is one I have listened to a lot, and  two particular lines have stood out for me: 'Awake my soul, awake my soul and sing! and 'I hear Your voice and this is my awakening.'  As I was singing this last week, I felt God ask 'Well...?' (He didn't need to say anything else - that was enough!).

The song is really about us crying out to God to bring revival, filling His people with His Spirit. Well, I guess I have been reminded that 'revival starts with us' and for me, it is time to 'wake up!' What does the song stir in you?

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