Tuesday 6 November 2012

Sitting at Jesus’ Feet

Thoughts from... Claire Burford

After listening to Aled preach recently about the Mary and Martha story, I have been pondering why it always seems so difficult to spend time sitting at Jesus’ feet and what that really means?
I have recently read an article from a book called ‘The Lord’s table’ which I found really helpful.

Sitting at Jesus’ feet indicates:
 an attitude of learning;
 faith in what Jesus had to say;
 Mary’s love for Jesus (she was hanging on his every word);
That Mary was holding to His teaching (she was sitting still, intent on hearing, believing and obeying).

So let’s try starting our times with the Lord by sitting at His feet.
Turn off the worship CD, say nothing, be intent on hearing from Him and hang on to His every word. We may be surprised at what we hear!