Tuesday 14 December 2010

Saviour King 2010

Hey everyone...it's Saviour King time!!

Thought it would be useful to post up the timings of practice sessions etc. for this weekend.

  • Staging set up on Wed and Thurs evenings - from 7.00pm
  • PA set up on Fri evening. If you want to set your instruments up on Fri, please go up to THC between 6 - 7pm
  • Main band practice from 4.00pm on Sat. Please make sure that you are set up and ready to sound check by 4.00pm - no later
  • 6.00pm - dancers arrive - practice their dance
  • 6.15pm - choir arrive and sound check
  • 6.30pm - full run through
  • Finish before 9.00pm
  • Band, choir to arrive ready to start on stage by 3.00pm
  • Finish practicing by 3.30pm
  • 3.45pm Jubilee Room - team prayers
  • 4.25pm on stage
  • 4.30pm - Saviour King 1
  • 6.15 - 7.00pm - de-brief for band, choir, dancers, PA, AV and lighting teams in Jubilee Room, with pizza and refreshments
  • 7.30pm - Saviour King 2
  • 9.15pm - pack down staging
  • 10.00pm - home to bed!
This is a massive commitment from all of you, so I am hugely grateful to every person for all your time and dedication to our largest event of the year.

For His glory,


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