Wednesday 1 December 2010

Calm in the Storm!

Having a 'snow day' today has given me the chance to 'be still' for a few hours and take stock during the hurley-burley of life at the moment. Looking around at a few blogs from several worship leaders, one thing was quite striking...the number of people writing about the dangers of burning out and being over-busy in church life, and it made me think!

We all know that church life has been really busy for us as a worship team over the last 6 months. We have had many exciting things happening and God is clearly moving us to a new level with our collective worship ministry. Life is busy even without serving in the local church, but with the addition of practices, sound checks, prayer meetings, special events, and everything else that combine to make church so wonderful, it can be really easy to neglect what’s most important. I know myself that the busier I become, the greater the risk I run of 'squeezing God out' - the very thing that I need most of all!

I really want to encourage everyone in the team to 'set our hearts at rest in His presence' (1John 3:19) as we build up to the busy and exciting Christmas period. Let's certainly 'run the race with perseverance' (Hebrews 12:1), but let's also make time to 'be still before the Lord' (Psalm 37:7); keep our priorities in balance; draw strength, inspiration, creativity and joy from our Heavenly Father!

I can't thank you all enough for the amazing dedication, commitment and humble servanthood that you all show, week after week. It truly is an honour to be part of this fantastic worship team. Let's really go for it over these next few weeks and 'Give Him the glory' through all that we do.

God bless,


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