Wednesday 22 December 2010

January-April 2011

Hi guys, a message of thanks to all who have prepared and given their time over this past year to all the changes and events we have undertaken. Whilst it was very unfortunate to have cancelled this years Saviour King event, the effort and attitude of all who served was testimony of a great team who are dedicated to working hard to see Him glorified. 

As New Year is fast approaching, we look to the coming year and some of the changes that shall be occurring. We welcome Katie Sherry as an additional backing Vocalist for my band and Simon Clark shall be getting married in April, resulting in him having a month off from the team. With possible upgrades to some of our other equipment, it is going to be another busy season whereby your patience and hard work shall be very much appreciated. 

The new rota is now complete and shall be distributed by the office via e-mail this week. Additionally, I shall have hard copies available over the next two weeks for those who would like one. Below is an outline of what you can expect.

The sunday morning worship within this quarter shall be divided between 4 teams, that shall follow the A, B, C, D rota of all other serving teams. Please get familiar with which teams you are serving in and contact me AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, if you cannot play on any given morning, with as much notice as possible. 

The worship teams are as follows:

Team A

Worship Leader - Nick Clark
Drums - Simon Thurston
Bass - Max Redknapp
Keys - n/a
Lead - Paul Rackstraw
BVs - Clare Burford & Emma Thurston
Sax/Flute - Martin Clarke
PA - Simon Dipple
AV - Peter Rackstraw
Setup - Simon Dipple & Ryden Evans

Team B

Worship Leader - Aled Cousins
Drums - Dan Sparks
Bass - Graham Delves
Keys - Kevin Burford
Lead - Nic Beaney
BVs - Claire Burford, Becki Andrews & Katie Sherry
PA - Simon Clark
AV - Jan Cousins
Setup - Simon Clark, Aled Cousins & Andrew Belcher

Team C

Worship Leader - Simon Thurston
Acoustic - Caner Mutu
Drums - Dan Sparks
Bass - Max Redknapp
Keys - Nick Clark
Lead - Paul Rackstraw
BVs - Clare Burford & Emma Thurston
Sax/Flute - Martin Clarke
PA - Simon Clark
AV - Lix Rose
Setup - Simon Clark, Ian Grove & Aled Cousins

Team D

Worship Leader - Aled Cousins
Drums - Simon Clark
Bass - Graham Delves
Keys - Kevin Burford
Lead - Nic Beaney
BVs - Claire Burford, Becki Andrews & Katie Sherry
PA - Dan Sparks
AV - Jo Wilmont
Setup - Dan Sparks, Simon Clark & Aled Cousins


Jan 2nd - Team B
Jan 9th - Team C
Jan 16th - Team D
Jan 23rd - Team A
Jan 30th - Team B

Thanks again for your ongoing support, have a great Christmas and we look forward to moving the team on further in the new year.

G bless,

Aled & Simon

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Saviour King 2010

Hey's Saviour King time!!

Thought it would be useful to post up the timings of practice sessions etc. for this weekend.

  • Staging set up on Wed and Thurs evenings - from 7.00pm
  • PA set up on Fri evening. If you want to set your instruments up on Fri, please go up to THC between 6 - 7pm
  • Main band practice from 4.00pm on Sat. Please make sure that you are set up and ready to sound check by 4.00pm - no later
  • 6.00pm - dancers arrive - practice their dance
  • 6.15pm - choir arrive and sound check
  • 6.30pm - full run through
  • Finish before 9.00pm
  • Band, choir to arrive ready to start on stage by 3.00pm
  • Finish practicing by 3.30pm
  • 3.45pm Jubilee Room - team prayers
  • 4.25pm on stage
  • 4.30pm - Saviour King 1
  • 6.15 - 7.00pm - de-brief for band, choir, dancers, PA, AV and lighting teams in Jubilee Room, with pizza and refreshments
  • 7.30pm - Saviour King 2
  • 9.15pm - pack down staging
  • 10.00pm - home to bed!
This is a massive commitment from all of you, so I am hugely grateful to every person for all your time and dedication to our largest event of the year.

For His glory,


Saturday 4 December 2010

This Weekend!

Hi guys, 

Line-up for this weekend is:

Aled Cousins
Nic Beaney
Nick Clark
Dan Sparks
Kevin Burford
Clare Burford
Becki Andrews

PA: Simon Clark
AV: Jan Cousins

Songs are:

VIDEO (in D)
From the highest of heights (D)
Wonderful, so wonderful (D)
In Christ Alone (D)

Refrain - We will worship, we will worship you (D)

Children go out

We stand and lift up our hands (G)
Holy one, holy one (God he reigns) (G)
When we were in the darkest night (G)

See you all at 6.

G bless


Wednesday 1 December 2010

Calm in the Storm!

Having a 'snow day' today has given me the chance to 'be still' for a few hours and take stock during the hurley-burley of life at the moment. Looking around at a few blogs from several worship leaders, one thing was quite striking...the number of people writing about the dangers of burning out and being over-busy in church life, and it made me think!

We all know that church life has been really busy for us as a worship team over the last 6 months. We have had many exciting things happening and God is clearly moving us to a new level with our collective worship ministry. Life is busy even without serving in the local church, but with the addition of practices, sound checks, prayer meetings, special events, and everything else that combine to make church so wonderful, it can be really easy to neglect what’s most important. I know myself that the busier I become, the greater the risk I run of 'squeezing God out' - the very thing that I need most of all!

I really want to encourage everyone in the team to 'set our hearts at rest in His presence' (1John 3:19) as we build up to the busy and exciting Christmas period. Let's certainly 'run the race with perseverance' (Hebrews 12:1), but let's also make time to 'be still before the Lord' (Psalm 37:7); keep our priorities in balance; draw strength, inspiration, creativity and joy from our Heavenly Father!

I can't thank you all enough for the amazing dedication, commitment and humble servanthood that you all show, week after week. It truly is an honour to be part of this fantastic worship team. Let's really go for it over these next few weeks and 'Give Him the glory' through all that we do.

God bless,


Friday 26 November 2010

Song List for Sunday 28th Nov

Hey Guys,

Here is the song list and band line up for this coming Sunday. Santino is anchoring the meeting, we are breaking bread during our worship and Paul M is preaching.

  • Thine Be the Glory - C
  • Praise Him in The Sanctuary - C
  • You Came to Save the World (The Third Day) - F
-Children go out-
  • Strength Will Rise - G
  • God He Reigns - G
  • Jesus Messiah - G (whilst we break bread)
  • Jesus, You're the Hope I Cling To - F
Max R - Leading/ Acoustic
Graham D - Bass
Paul R - Electric
Simon T - Drums
Martin C - Sax/Flute
Clare B and Emma T - BVs

We are also staying on after the morning meeting to have an extended afternoon practice. We will be going until about 2.00/2.15pm, ready to leave at 2.30pm. Nick Clark is joining us to play bass and it will be a great opportunity for us to work on some things without the usual pressure of a Saturday evening!

Look forward to seeing you at the IDMC gig tonight and at the w/e.

God bless,


Sunday 21 November 2010

Songs for this weekend!

Hey guys, songs are:

Praises to the Holy one (A)
See His love (Am)
I will love You for the cross (Am)

The Stars in their courses (B)
Even though I walk, through the valley (B)
This is how we know (B)

When we were in the darkest night (G)

Friday 12 November 2010

Songlist for Sunday 14th

Hi guys, I'm placing the song list for this weekend up for Simon T as they currently have no internet or house phone line. Can I therefore ask that if you have any queries or problems regarding this weekend, you contact Simon directly on his mobiles, or contact me instead. 

Many thanks


Songlist is:

God He reigns (Chorus) - G This is a new song, Simon has music for you
How great thou art - G - A
I come into Your presence - A
Jesus, Hope of the Nations - A

I walk by faith - E
In Jesus - E

Jesus, You're the Hope I cling to - F
God He reigns - F
There's no lack in all You'v Given (chorus) - F

Tuesday 9 November 2010

***** November & December LINE-UPS. *****

Dear Team,

Firstly, can Simon and I thank you all for your ongoing hard work over these past few months of change. We think both the standard of playing and the moments of corporate worship have been raised to another level and we pray this shall continue to improve over the next year. My thanks particularly to Simon Clark and all those in his team who have had to work double time to get the PA, AV, Lighting and Stage prepared for the band each week. I know it’s been a challenge but the end is in sight!

With the confusion of changing rotas, I list below the weeks leading up to Christmas and the expected line-ups. Please, please PLEASE look through and get these dates in your diary so you are aware of when you are expected to play. If any dates are going to cause difficulty, please contact Simon Thurston or myself (Simon Clark for PA) as soon as possible.

Morning of November 14th

Anchor: Paul Mann
Worship: Simon Thurston
Acoustic: Max Redknap / Caner
Drums: Dan Sparks
Bass: Nick Clark
Lead: Paul Rackstraw
BV’s: Claire Burford / Emma Thurston
PA: Simon Dipple / Ryden Evans
AV: Jo Willmont

Evening of November 14th

Acoustic: Aled Cousins
PA: Aled Cousins/Simon Thurston
AV: Louise Cousins

Morning of November 21st  

Anchor: Paul Mann
Worship: Aled Cousins
Acoustic: Aled Cousins
Drums: Simon Clark
Bass: Nick Clark
Lead: Nic Beaney
Keys: Kevin Burford
BV’s: Clare Burford / Bekki Andrews
PA: Dan Sparks / Aled Cousins
AV: Liz Rose

Evening of November 21st

PA: Dan Sparks
AV: Jan CousinsWorship: Simon Thurston

Morning of November 28th

Anchor: Matt Beaney
Worship: Max Redknap
Acoustic: Max Redknap
Drums: Simon Thurston
Bass: Graham Delves
Lead: Paul Rackstraw
BV’s: Claire Burford / Emma Thurston
Sax & Flute: Martin Clarke
PA: Simon Clark / Ryden Evans
AV: Peter Rackstraw

Evening of November 28th

Worship: Simon Thurston
Keys: Carol Dipple
BV’s: Simon Dipple
PA: Simon Dipple
AV: Liz Rose

Morning of December 5th  

Anchor: Santino Hamberis
Worship: Aled Cousins
Acoustic: Aled Cousins
Drums: Dan Sparks
Bass: Nick Clark
Lead: Nic Beaney
Keys: Kevin Burford
BV’s: Clare Burford / Bekki Andrews
PA: Simon Clark / Aled Cousins
AV: Jan Cousins

Evening of December 5th

Worship: Simon Thurston
Acoustic: Aled Cousins
PA: Aled Cousins/Simon Thurston
AV: Louise Cousins

Morning of December 12th

Anchor: Matt Beaney
Worship: Simon Thurston
Acoustic: Max Redknap / Caner
Drums: Simon Clark
Bass: Graham Delves
Lead: Paul Rackstraw
BV’s: Claire Burford / Emma Thurston
Sax & Flute: Martin Clarke
PA: Simon Dipple / Ryden Evans
AV: Jo Willmont

Evening of December 12th

Worship: Aled Cousins
Acoustic: Aled Cousins
Keys: Simon Thurston
PA: Aled Cousins
AV: Louise Cousins


Anchor: Paul Mann
Worship: Simon Thurston
Acoustic: Aled Cousins
Drums: Simon Clark           
Bass: Nick Clark
Lead: Nic Beaney
BV’s: Clare Burford / Bekki Andrews
Sax & Flute: Martin Clarke
PA: Dan Sparks / Aled Cousins / Simon Clark / Simon Dipple
AV: Liz Rose

Christmas Morning (No practice)

Anchor: Matt Beaney
Worship: Aled Cousins
Acoustic: Aled Cousins
Drums: Simon Clark
Bass: Nick Clark
Lead: Nic Beaney
BV’s: Clare Burford / Bekki Andrews
Sax & Flute: Martin Clarke
PA: Dan Sparks / Aled Cousins
AV: Peter Rackstraw

Thanks again for all your hard work, contact either Simon or myself if you have any queries.

G bless,


Saturday 6 November 2010

Lineup for this weekend

Hi Guys, line up for today/tomorrow is:

Aled (Lead Vox, Acoustic and Electric)
Dan Sparks (Drums)
Graham Delves (Bass)
Nic Beaney (Lead)
Kevin Burford (Keys)
Claire Burford (BVs)
Becki Andrews (BVs)
Simon Clark (PA)
Jan Cousins (AV)

Please be at the centre for 6 tonight as we shall have much to practice and pray about.

Songs shall be:

Let God arise (E)
Holy God, generations know (E)
I stand amazed, in the presence (E)

Children go out

Water you turned into wine (Bb)
The splendour of a king (Bb)
To Him who sits on the throne (C)
Here I am, humbled by your majesty (C)
The Grace of God upon my life (C)

Wednesday 27 October 2010

Songs for Sunday 31st October

Hi everyone,

Things are going to be a bit different this weekend. We will be doing a couple of songs before the children go out, then we'll be having the notices and Santino will then preach. We'll then have 30-35mins worship after he's spoken. He's preaching out of James 1 about "trials of many kinds".

Songs are as follows:

Praises to the Holy One (A) (Aled sang this last weekend and the music is in our folders. we probably won't do the bridge)
Wake every heart (A)
Blessed be Your name (A)
Your grace is enough (This is our God) (E)
Who is there like You? (E) chorus only
We bow down and confess (E)
Jesus You're the hope I cling to (Christ in me) (Bb)

I'll try and upload the newer songs at some point.

Don't forget the clocks go back this weekend.

God bless,


Saturday 23 October 2010

Songlist for this weekend.

Hi guys, songlist for this weekend is as follows:

Even as the world began (A)
Praises to the Holy One (A)
Praise the Lord oh my soul (A)

Blessed be your name (A)

We stand and lift up our hands (A)

Stand on Holy ground (E)
Be lifted up (E)

See u at 6.


Wednesday 20 October 2010

Band line-up Sunday 24th October

Hi guys, band line-up for this coming sunday is:

Anchor - Santino
Leading - Aled
Acoustic and lead vox - Aled
Drums - Simon Clark
Bass - Graham Delves
Lead - Nic Beaney
BV's - Bekky Andrews

PA - Dan Sparks
AV - Liz Rose

Watch this space for song list soon.

G bless,


Wednesday 13 October 2010

Wedding Weekend - 16th/17th Oct

Hey Everyone,

Another busy weekend coming up - with Alison and Paul's wedding and our main Sunday meeting. I am so thrilled to be part of a worship team who serve the church family with such a wonderful attitude and with such grace. Thank you all for everything you do!
For this coming Sunday, here is the song list:

I have e-mailed the chord tabs to you all for Jesus, You're the hope I Cling To - it's from Lou Fellingham's album 'Step Into the Light'

See you all at the week end

G Bless,


Thursday 7 October 2010

This Weekend! 10/10/10!

Hi guys, as you are already aware, there is a barn dance this coming Saturday and we shall therefore not be able to setup or practice on the Saturday like usual. Some of the PA shall be setup on the evening after the barn dance but it would be appreciated if everyone could make an early start on the Sunday.

Please could musicians be available from 8 to setup, soundcheck and practice. If vocalists could be at the Centre from 8:30, this should give you enough time to soundcheck before rehearsals. If there is any problems with getting to the Centre at these times, please let me know asap so I can make alternative arrangements as we shall already be very short of time.

Songlist below (I shall try and get the majority of music together but please be prepared in whatever ways you can as it shall save a lot of stress/time on the morning).

- Let God Arise (E)
- Open the eyes of my heart (E)
- Be thou my vision (E)

Children Go out

- Before the throne of God above (E)
- Let now the week (E)
- Your grace is enough (E)
- Refrain (E)

Look forward to seeing you on Sunday (nice 'n' early)! We'll maybe put the coffee on.

G bless guys,
