Sunday 12 July 2009

The 'J' double act takes on Hastings

As I'm sure you'd agree, it was an amazing weekend with Julian and Jeremy (and Anne) who blessed us with amazing prophetic giftings.This helped in both stirring faith and promoting a 'centrality of focus' on the reliance of God in our ministries. Well done to the worship team who I felt played prophetically and enhanced the opportunity and response of the people who contributed during the worship. I know that both Julian and Jeremy were encouraged by what they had seen and experienced in our worship and that is something which we should be rightly proud of. Well done to all who took part. Aled


  1. Yes, guys. Well done on serving Jesus and his wonderful church so well. Let's pray for more of the Spirit's presence in all our meetings and in everyday life and for those unblocked wells to remain well and truly unblocked!

  2. Simon Thurston13 July 2009 at 09:37

    Aled - well done for Sat pm and Sun am - you did a great job - strong and sensitive in just the right measure.

    Can I also say thanks to those of you who helped to lead at the prayer meeting in the evening - you were great and I don't think any of us will forget this meeting for a very long time!
