Monday 13 July 2009

Calling all songwriters...

Recently, I have been increasingly challenged about the lack of time I spend in writing material and crafting songs in the quietness of my studio. It was one of those gifts that I told myself I would develop further this year, yet already in mid-July and not one complete song has escaped my pen. I am aware that there are many within the church who have seedling gifts of lyrical and music writing in this area and we must begin to develop strategies of sharing ideas, feeding back on material and introducing work of quality to the wider church. I am not really one for 'writing clubs' or 'composition classes' but there must be an outlet somewhere and I'm not sure how or where it is... I guess the first stage in mapping out the course is to work out who is interested and who feels they have a gift they wish to see developed. If you are interested, let me know.

P.S By the way, some of the greatest christian writers of our time have no experience of music and cannot sing a note (not in tune anyway)! If you have a heart for God and he has given you a way with words, then why not give it a go!

1 comment:

  1. Great idea to do a blog. I find it a challenge to know what to do with new songs that I write personally so creative ideas would be good.
