Saturday 19 January 2013

Song List - Sunday

Hello, hope the snow isn't causing any issues for anyone so far, lets hope we don't have any tomorrow. Ready for sound check by 8am if possible, here's the song list:

How Great Thou Art - Bb
I am Chosen - Bb
TAG - Oh Praise the One (who paid my debt) - Bb

Kids out 

Amazing Grace (My chains are gone) - E
Before the Throne of God - E
I see the king of Glory - E
Worthy is the Lamb (Revelation song) - B


Bread and wine
When I survey the wondrous Cross (I thank You for the Cross) - G
I Exalt Thee (look at the video in my previous post for reference) - G
Here is Love - E 

See you all tomorrow hopefully!
God Bless,



  1. Hello band :)

    Just thought I'd mention that we have a full pack down tomorrow after the meeting. That means all instruments and PA etc. If you're free to help once you've moved your own things that would be really helpful.

    See you tomorrow at 8 (or at Zzzz o'clock if you're at the prayer meeting :)

    Simon C

    1. Hey, thanks to all those who helped clear everything today :)

      Thanks for staying behind to help, particularly as the snow was getting heavier.

      Love you guys :)
