Tuesday 27 July 2010

Thank You

Dear All,

A big thank you to everyone who was involved in the band and PA teams last weekend. It was a lot of work to get everything done ready for our meeting on Sunday morning - a lot of effort had to be put in! All the comments and feedback that has come my way has been really positive - people seem to really like the new configuration for the auditorium and stage, and those that have spoken to me thought that the sound was very strong.

Special thanks to Simon C, who has worked tirelessly all of last week on the installation of the PA, projector and staging. Also Aled who was often up at THC, straight after work to help with everything too, and finally Dan - who again was a massive help and assistance. We've only just started this major project, but already it has been great to see how people's faith is rising as they see the new auditorium taking shape. It is such a privilege to be part of this wonderful church and this amazing worship team.

God bless,


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