Saturday 12 June 2010


Dear All, We have been doing a lot of work 'behind the scenes' to put together a new worship rota that will run from 2nd half of June, through until the end of September. There are a number of changes that we have factored into this new rota, in order to try and accommodate the needs of worship team members - so I hope that we have been able to do this. It does mean that we have had to re-arrange the band line-ups a bit - for most people this doesn't actually change the dates that you would have been playing on if we had kept the original format, but for some it might. Please, therefore, have a careful look at the rota. I have e-mailed this to you as an Excel document so that you can easily print it out.

The dates highlighted in yellow are our 'big Sundays', where we have something special happening. Included in this is a full weekend with Julian Adams at the end of September - although this is not yet finalised, it looks as though we will probably have a big meeting on the Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings. We are planning on keeping the same band line-up for this, if possible as it helps cut down on set-up time, etc.
As you know, we are working hard to change the auditorium around and install a new stage, PA and AV systems. The PA system is due to 'go live' on 25th July, so we have put in some extended practices around this time - in order for the PA team to have training on using the new digital desk. I'm sure you will appreciate how important this will be for us all, and it will also give the musicians a great opportunity to work on things with a little more time.

I know how much commitment and flexibility people have been willing to give in order to make this happen for the team and I am truly greatful. It is a privilige to serve you all and worship together with you. Every one of you has a wonderful heart and I cannot thank you enough for your willingness to 'go the extra mile' on so many occasions.

God bless,


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