Saturday 29 May 2010

This is an excellent piece, written by Louie Giglio about the relationship between worship and the Word of God. Read it and be challenged!

Inseparable: The Essential Link Between Worship and Word

Louie Giglio

Sometime we overcomplicate things. Among all our strategies and five-point plans for living a better Christian life we lose sight of the fact that God has made it perfectly clear... as Louie Giglio finds out when he dives into Psalm 119.

Recently, while speaking to a large group of young people, I had a temporary moment of insanity and challenged the audience to memorise an entire book of Scripture. At first people looked at me like I had lost my mind. But soon a sort of 'group euphoria' overcame us and people began to think, I can do this!

Well, that was over a month ago and the initial wave of excitement has faded. I would guess only a few are still pressing ahead. But this past week one of those few fuelled my heart with renewed hope for the lead worshippers of the future. I noticed him with his laminated copy of Colossians and asked how he was doing. “I’ve memorised all of chapter 1 and am moving into chapter 2,” he replied. And he’s just the guitar player in the band, not even the 'up front' worship leader! Wow! (I’m smiling.)

Songs alone don’t change people. It’s the truth that sets us free. As lead worshippers, it’s essential that we immerse ourselves in His Word and allow His Word to reshape and contour our hearts

You see, worship and the Word are inseparable. As worshippers and lead worshippers, we must continually link our lives to the living Word of God, both to nourish our souls and to feed our flocks.

Contrary to modern culture, worship does not begin with music, but with God. In fact, everything begins with Him, the living Logos (Word), the Alpha and the Omega—Beginning and End. So we read in the opening of John’s Gospel, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1). Announcing the arrival of Christ on Earth, John writes, “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us” (v. 14, NASB).

If we believe Jesus is pre-eminent, and, therefore, must be the centrepiece of our living and our worship, a little common logic leads us down this path: Jesus is the centre of all true worship.

Jesus is the Word of God. Therefore, the Word of God is the centre of all true worship for all time.

It has always been interesting to me that the longest chapter in Scripture, Psalm 119, is about the psalmist’s love affair with God’s Word. Right in the middle of this amazing handbook of praise, we find the “lead worshipper” celebrating the essential role of the Word in his own life. It’s there we find the confession: “Seven times a day I praise you for your righteous laws” (Ps. 119:164). Notice the daily link between worship and the Word in David’s life. All throughout the day, the psalmist was thanking God for the truth. Yes, he was always praising God. But he was also thinking about God’s Word every minute of the day. That’s why he goes on to say, “May my lips overflow with praise, for you teach me your decrees” (v. 171). If I’m reading this right, the source of the psalmist’s worship is the activity of the Word of God in his life. In his case, the work of the Word pre- ceded the “overflowing” of praise to God. If you’re like me, you hear people praising God all the time. But when’s the last time you were around people who were “overflowing” with worship because of the impact God’s Word was making in their lives?

Songs alone don’t change people. It’s the truth that sets us free. As lead worshippers, it’s essential that we immerse ourselves in His Word and allow His Word to reshape and contour our hearts. In fact, God only has one ultimate goal for us all—the goal of being conformed to the image of His Son (see Rom. 8:29). To be conformed is a tough and arduous task, a journey that leads us to the anvil and the altar, moment by moment. It’s a process of transformation that results from consistently renewing our minds by God’s truth (see Rom. 12:2).

If we’re not careful, we can quickly inhale the feelings and emotion we experience in corporate wor- ship, only to go away with little lasting and substantive change in our souls. In other words, we are prone to joyfully uttering the words of praise,while continually dodging the sword of the Spirit. As a result, our worship becomes a counterfeit shell while our hid- den heart fails to embrace His truth for our lives.

If my gifted guitar-playing friend keeps plugging away in Colossians, he’ll soon be encouraged by this challenge in chapter 3: “Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, AND as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God” (Col. 3:16, emphasis added). What begins with a heart set on His Word will always end in a song of praise to our God.

So gently lay down the guitar and pick up the Word of God. Within its pages are life and breath— and everything.

Wednesday 26 May 2010

Songs for 30/05/2010

Hi Guys, look at previous post for line-up. Please can the band makes sure they're at the Hastings Centre by six sharp as I'd love to have a good practice and leave time for prayer at the end. I'm still checking this list through with Paul and Matt but assuming they're okay with it, the general gist shall go something like this...

Shout from the roof (E)
In Jesus (E)

See His love (Am)
I will love you for the cross (Am)

Children Go Out

I stand amazed, in the presence (E)
Shepherd of my thankful heart (A)
Jesus I could Sing (This is a love song) (E)
Let now the weak (E)

I intend on having a more extensive free-flowing time towards the end of the worship for maybe some ministry/prophetic time though again, I'd need to confirm with Paul and Matt. You can click on some of the songs to look up YouTube links to hear the songs...

Please make sure you have all available music with you and ready for Saturday, I shall provide music for 'See His love', 'I will love you for the cross' and 'If I have not love' as they are either in a different key or we have not done them for a little while.

Any problems, don't hesitate to comment here or e-mail me at the usual address.

Thanks again for all your hardwork. Come expectant for Saturday/Sunday because I'm in faith for a great time of refreshing.

G bless.


Monday 24 May 2010

Band Line-up - 30/05/2010

Hi guys, there are a number of changes to the line-up this week: It shall therefore be as follows:

Drums: Simon Clark
Bass: Graham Delves
Keys: Simon Thurston
Lead: Nick Clark
Acoustic: Aled Cousins
BV's: Becky Andrews & Joanne Thurston

Watch this space for a songlist soon...

Friday 21 May 2010

How Do We Define Worship - Martin Smith (Delirious?)

I recently read this short article by Martin Smith and thought it was interesting, what do you think...?

Defining worship is a bit of a tricky one. I recently watched a documentary about Turner, the great impressionist painter, who was famous for the way he captured light. Turner was a master at painting the unpaintable, working in the open air, often in dodgy weather. He used to work furiously fast, so that he'd capture the changes in the light, landscape and sea as they happened.

The TV presenter, an artist in their own right, set out to try and paint like Turner one afternoon, but found that as they began to paint the light, the sea, the sky, they could not begin to do justice to what they were encountering. The sky was simply too massive and luminous, the sea too powerful and textured... it was almost impossible to capture them on a simple canvas.

When we try and define worship, we often find ourselves in the same position. Worship is such a vast concept that no one definition can contain it. Instead, I find I end up collecting little quotes and ideas that give me glimpses of the incredible, dynamic adventure that we call worship.

A definition we've been using a bit with Worship Central is: “Worship is the total alignment of our heart, soul, mind and strength with the will of God. It is our whole-hearted response to God’s extravagant love and mercy.”

I also love Roman's 12's all-encompassing "offer your bodies as a living sacrifice"

Then these are few I've heard again recently that I think are great...

“To worship is to quicken the conscience by the holiness of God, to feed the mind with the truth of God, to purge the imagination by the beauty of God, to open the heart to the love of God, to devote the will to the purpose of God.” (William Temple)

"Worship is a deliberate and disciplined adventure in reality." (Willard Sperry)

And for something a bit different, an Eastern Orthodox perspective:

"Christian worship is the response of men to the Divine call, to the 'mighty deeds' of God, culminating in the redemptive act of Christ." (George Florovsky) Basically, it's all about Jesus...

"Worship is not primarily man's initiative but God's redeeming act in Christ through his Spirit." (Nikos A. Nissiotis) Basically, it's not about us, it's all about Jesus...

Has anyone else got any interesting definitions of worship to add here...?


Tuesday 18 May 2010

May - August 2010 Band Rota

Really pleased to have this up and running again. It is a very useful way for us to keep in touch about our worship stuff. Thanks Aled for setting the blog up once more!

I'm looking to get confirmation from everyone about the dates you are down to do things on the new May - August rota, so can you e-mail me if things are ok, or if there are any dates that you have a problem with.


Saturday 15 May 2010

Songlist for 16 May, 2010

Hi guys, songs for tonight/tomorrow shall be along the lines of:

Lift up his name (Chorus only) (E) into...
You are the Lord, the famous one (E)
From the highest of heights (E)
I see the king of glory (Hosanna) (E)

Children go out

He became sin, who knew no sin (G)
Worthy, you are worthy (B)
Just like you promised, you've come (B)
Spirit of the living God (B)

May the words of my mouth (C)

See you tonight at 6. G bless, Aled.

Blogging is back on....

Hi folks, I believe the new church website will eventually have blogging/messaging access for members and serving teams within the church. I was hoping this would have come about sooner but until then, it seems only sensible that we renew the use of the old one in the interim. I shall endeavor to post songlists and line-ups on here prior to the weekend you're playing and I've invited Simon T and Max to do the same. Please do save this blog into your favourites and look at it regularly as information on band changes and future events will also be posted here.

Many thanks for your ongoing hard work...
