Saturday 21 April 2012

Trust Me...and JUMP!

Hey everyone,

A couple of weeks ago, our daughters booked up for my wife, Kate and I to spend a day at 'Go Ape' - a sort of high-ropes assault course, 40ft up in the trees of a nearby forest! It was a brilliant day and we got that real rush you get when you do something scary, but exciting at the same time!

At a recent worship hub meeting, I really felt that God used this 'Go Ape' adventure to speak to us as a worship team, and He started off by asking a question:

'How much do you trust Me?'

God wanted us as a worship team to ponder on this for a moment...whether it is as a team serving the local chuch, in our own individual circumstances, or in family life - how much are we trusting God in the challenges that come our way?

For the 'Go Ape' course, Kate and I were kitted out in a safety harness and a series of safety clips that meant we were always connected to the wires up in the trees. We had to climb up to small platforms about 40ft up in different large trees, then step off the platform out onto the zip wire; the scramble net; the balance steps or whatever the obstacle was in front of us. Our harness and system of clips and pulleys allowed us to move freely over the obstacle and go on towards the next challenge. The only way we could do this was to fully trust our training that we had been given and trust that the safety harness was going to take our weight. Of course, the whole set up was rigorously checked every day and was utterly safe - the real issue was actually about us having the courage to trust in it all!

I really felt God remind us as individuals and as a worship team that He is our safety harness and we will always be connected to Him. We have and would continue to face all sorts of challenges in our own lives and together as musicians - we could not simply remain on the platforms, but had to step off and trust Him in order to move forwards.

As we prayed into this, one of the group read from Psalm 145: 13 - 16. This wonderful scripture totally confirmed what God wanted to say:

'The LORD is trustworthy in all he promises and faithful in all he does.14 The LORD upholds all who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down. 15 The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food at the proper time. 16 You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing.'

Now that's what I call a pretty good safety harness!

I really want to encourage and challenge everyone...remember that whatever circumstances you find yourself in, God has always got hold of you and will lead you safely through it. That doesn't mean it won't sometimes be scary, but it will always be exciting! Why don't you 'step off the platform' in faith and take some risks for Him! It's time for another adventure with God!

For His glory,
